New Idea

A Bessler, gravity, free-energy free-for-all. Registered users can upload files, conduct polls, and more...

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re: New Idea

Post by jpi066 »

the problem of Bessler is very simple. It made without the knowledge, the first heat pump, the first movement hot air, and the noisiest metronome. The dissymmetry of the wheel rests on the fact that the time of relaxation is longer than the time of compression. It was the first converter of ambient heat in autonomous mechanical energy.
At its time, it could not understand, Newton reigned as an absolute Master. Himself thought of controlling gravity. Everyone broke out during century to dig but at the bad place.


The unit was composed of 6 or 8 tubes acted in pairs according to the models. The tubes were composed of a mass dimensioned, other a closed tube, in which a ball was locked up.
The tube swivelled on itself in the first dial high left or right, according to the direction of rotation.
The fixed mass being heavier than the ball, this one actuated the tube during a complete rotation.
The combined movement of the wheel and the tube which swivels on itself, led to have a time of expenssion longer than the time of compression.
Thus when the tube with finished its revolution and that it is blocked by a hook, the ball did not fall down yet at the bottom of the tube.
This resulted in having one moment of force higher than the image of the tube acted in pairs. This imbalance involves the wheel, until a new tube takes the relay.
Today it is of course possible to create power stations, using ambient energy, much more powerful and especially less noisy.

translated by Systran
Sorry, I do not speak English

Jean-Paul PILARD
Last edited by jpi066 on Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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re: New Idea

Post by LustInBlack »

Jean-Paul, je parle francais !

Tu peux m'envoyer un message privee, je vais mieux comprendre ce que tu essaies d'expliquer.. J'ai de la misere a suivre ton message.

Merci !
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re: New Idea

Post by jpi066 »

j'espère que tu as reçu mon message

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re: New Idea

Post by LustInBlack »

Bien recu !

Un nouveau msg t'attends .. 8]
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re: New Idea

Post by ovyyus »

Interesting idea there Jean-Paul - nice to see someone else breaking away from the same old head-banging. I am also working towards a heat pump solution. The first person to show a physical model that replicates Bessler's demonstrations gets the cigar :)
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re: New Idea

Post by jpi066 »

The first person to show a physical model that replicates Bessler's demonstrations gets the cigar :)

I do not understand this expression

what is your idea ?
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re: New Idea

Post by ovyyus »

Sorry Jean-Paul, what I mean is that the first person to show a working prototype that replicates Bessler's demonstrations wins the race for a solution.

I'm currently researching methods based on harnessing and amplifying thermal stratification (such as occurs within any enclosure that contains a heat source) in order to create wind which is then applied to move weights within a wheel.

What is the heat source for your design?
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re: New Idea

Post by jpi066 »

it is ambient heat roughly 290K. It is a very high energy level. I believed that you had understood the principle. It is very simple.
The ball in the tube acts as a piston, it is a Joule transformation.
That which gains the race, is that which with found the solution.
That which presents the solution is only the fastest mechanic.
The Orffyreus machine is only one stage the continuation is much more interesting
Last edited by jpi066 on Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: New Idea

Post by LustInBlack »

Pilard, j'ai recu ton email, et oui j'ai compris ce dont tu parles, c'est une bonne idee et aussi une nouvelle voie a explorer..

La seules choses qui me chicotte, c'est que pour obtenir de la chaleur, on doit depenser de l'energie.. Mais dans le cas de Bessler, j'imagine que la chaleur est due au deplacement des poids .. .
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re: New Idea

Post by jpi066 »

La boule dans le tube agit comme le piston dans une chambre de détente Joule-Thomson.
Nous baignons dans l'énergie, la température moyenne à la surface de la planète est de 290K (17C°). C'est énorme !. Le 0° C correspond à 273 K.
Car pour le calcul d'une machine thermique, seule la température Kelvin est juste. La machine de Bessler convertie la chaleur ambiante. Tout autre piste pour cette machine serait fausse. Pour engendrer une variation de la gravité, il faut une machine capable de commuter des niveaux d'énergie très élevés. A cette époque ce type de machine était irréalisable.
La piste de la gravité pour la machine de Bessler est donc fausse.

Bon courage

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re: New Idea

Post by LustInBlack »

D'accord, mais les indices de Bessler pointent vers un deplacement des poids vers l'interieur du cote ascendant et vers l'exterieur du cote descendant.

Ce que tu decris, est donc d'utiliser la chaleur pour deplacer les poids, plutot que d'utiliser la gravite pour se faire.. Et encore la, tu dis que cela est impossible due a la quantite d'energie necessaire.

Je ne comprends pas trop comment le cylindre avec la boule agit comme un "refrigerant" si j'ai bien compris .. ?! ..
Je ne suis pas trop familier avec ces concepts, mais j'aimerais bien apprendre.

Mon idee, selon ton dessin, est que la boule compresse + ou - l'air dans le cylindre, le desequilibre engendree cause un changement de temperature vs la temperature ambiante, ce qui cause un mouvement .. !?

L'air, si il en a dans le cylindre, agira aussi comme un ressort en quelque sorte?!

Comment la chaleur provoque un deplacement des cylindres vers le centre!? .. En allongeant un cable metallique qui reagit sous la chaleur..

Etant donne la chaleur differente sur ce cable, la longueur change et par consequent deplace le poids !?

Edit : J'etudies encore l'image ..
Je vois un peu mieux le principe.. Astucieux quand meme. .Je me demande si ca fonctionne !

Si ca fonctionne avec la difference de relaxation, j'imagine que le meme effet peut etre cree avec un cylindre de cuivre et un aimant!
Le "eddy current" peut etre utiliser pour ralentir une masse magnetique dans un cylindre .. Par consequent, j'imagine que le principe reste le meme mais en utiliser un aimant plutot qu'une boule ..

Est-ce que j'ai bien compris le principe ou c'est different de ce que je pense!? .. Je vais essayer de faire un animation pour mieux expliquer ce que je presente ..

Mais de toute facon, merci d'avance, car tu me donnes des idees supplementaires!!

English translation on demand ..
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re: New Idea

Post by jpi066 »

Il n'y a pas de cable. La boule agit comme un piston libre.
Si tu veux, tu peux tout inverser, le tube et utiliser les cadrans inférieurs. Ceci donnera le même résultat, il y aura toujours une dissymétrie dans la combinaison des deux mouvements rotatifs.
Le principe repose sur celui de la commutation énergétique. Pour les thermodynamiciens cela s’appelle l’inversion de l’entropie.
Pour un system électrique, il faut mettre en évidence l’effet Thomson, Peltier, ou Seebeck. Un système électromagnétique peut engendrer une commutation énergétique, mais il faut atteindre des puissances que la machine de Bessler ne pouvait réaliser à cette époque.
Ici tu t’écartes de la machine Orffyreus.
Principe de la dissymétrie

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re: New Idea

Post by ken_behrendt »

Sorry, I don't speak French and I'm still not exactly sure how Pilard's wheel is supposed to work. Apparently, the difference in time between the compression and expansion phases of the medium inside the cylinders somehow maintains the imbalance of the wheel. I don't get that business about the cylinder flipping, though.

However, I think that I would be VERY disappointed if it was finally determined that Bessler's wheels were nothing more than, for his time, advanced heat engines. That would sort of put them in the same catagory and those "drinking" birds I've seen in novelty shops!

No, I want Bessler's wheels to have used a simple, but unique mechanism that managed to keep them chronically imbalanced so that they could, with each wheel rotation, convert a tiny bit of the mass of their driving weights directly into the kinetic energy that accelerated the wheel and performed external work to it.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: New Idea

Post by LustInBlack »

If it was a heat engine it wouldn't change the end result, that the wheel turns by itself, doing work.

I think that heat is just 1 way to achieve the difference in relaxation time, like Pilard explained .

Quel medium (gaz j'imagine) doit on mettre dans le cylindre!?
Y a-t-il un trou pour laisser passer l'air d'un cote du cylindre!? ..

Je suis seulement familier avec l'air, et selon moi, compresser l'air demande beaucoup d'energie ... A moins qu'il y ai un trou quand on compresse, mais il faudrait donc une valve pour modifier le temps de compression / relaxation ..

Est-ce que tu peux fournir plus de details?!
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re: New Idea

Post by ken_behrendt »

LIB wrote:
If it was a heat engine it wouldn't change the end result, that the wheel turns by itself, doing work.
Yes, the wheel turns by itself, but it is not tapping energy within itself, but, rather, from its environment. If the "heat engine hypothesis" is correct, then there is no real difference between one of Bessler's wheels and, say, one of those radiometer bulbs that I used to place on a sunny window sill so I could watch the panes on its rotor spin.

To me, a true perptual motion device must be able to tap some latent energy within its own structures. That is why I am of the belief that any overbalanced gravity wheel will automatically convert tiny amounts of the rest masses of its driving weights into kinetic energy to accelerate the wheel, overcome air resistance and bearing friction, and, of course, perform external work.

If I really thought that Bessler's wheels were nothing more than clever heat engines, then I think I would lose all interest in this subject!

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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