Re: Questions for gill simo

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Posted by gill simo ( on March 15, 2003 at 08:11:08:

In Reply to: Questions for gill simo posted by Davis Landstrom on March 14, 2003 at 06:51:21:

hi davis
no i do not have a working model, its too difficult for me to build 2 saqquara bowls but i insist that you only need a pen/paper to help you imagine balls moving between the bowls in the manner i havr suggested ie 6 balls in total.if u prefer to investigate my first option which was no more than an extention to the 6 balls, a widening of the gap between the bowls and more balls added, then simply place the 19 balls in a drum, hold them in place as u tip it on its side, get someone to poke something in either end so that they can push the balls both c/wise and a/c/wise whilst you hold them in place, difficult i admit, and you will see first a ball fall out at one end then a ball fall out the other end, back to one falling out the first end etc, etc until u have no balls left.the balls spiral one way against the other, the spirals unwind left and right until they disentangle in exactly the way a screw moves in/out of its threaded hole. this is not hard to imagine, you see it every day but the important bit is the 2 bowls at either end as they cause the balls that try to fall out of either end to turn back along the other spiral, back and forth, back and forth. even if you arrange 19 balls in a see-through drum u will see the spirals i speak of and this alone will help you start 2 see

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