Re: Maybe.../Darren

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Posted by Darren ( on May 23, 2003 at 11:46:52:

In Reply to: Re: Maybe.../Darren posted by D. on May 22, 2003 at 17:00:35:

: : I don't think everyone is completely dismissing the clues, on the contrary. The wheel *needs* to have a rythmic force happening inside, similar to a pendulum, for the wheel to even work... but... that pendulus force won't be created by a classic, swinging, pendulum shaped component.
: How do you know?...

: : : One weight moves out, one moves in
: : This statement actually *contradicts* the idea of a classic grandfather clock type mechanism because this describes two objects, one moving in and one moving out, and a pendulum is but a single object.
:NOT...if its pendula-more than one.

Now you're grasping at straws. It says a weight moves in and a weight moves out. To me that's pretty clear.

: What about roundabout eye witness testimony, Ie. wolf stating he felt there were moveable arms on the outside?

Alot of people through history have explained what they "felt" was in the wheel... yet nobody has been able to reproduce it. Obviously they must have been wrong.

: What about Karls testimony that it was a simple arrangement of weights and levers ie. pendula?

"ie. pendula" ???? When I hear "weights and levers" I think of a seesaw with a weight on each end, not a pendulum. If someone said it was a long connector with a weight hanging on the end swinging back and forth I'd then say "ie. pendula"

:Where... does Bessler state at all that the Pendula accompanying his drawings were "speed" modificators?

It doesn't say that anywhere, but it't pretty widely accepted that's what they were.

Hey, don't get me wrong... if you want to build a wheel around a pendulum, or employ multiple pendula inside the wheel then have at it! And good luck!


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