Project update and a few questions

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Posted by Ron Flory ( on December 15, 2002 at 10:59:49:

My living room and kitchen looks like an episode of junk yard wars and the project is on hold untill Monday. One of the parts I thought was available is no longer made of the same materials and is unsuitable for the machine. I will have to build the part out of eight separate pieces and it needs fourteen of these parts. I have assembled fourteen other parts of the machine which consist of ten pieces each. The piece count is now at 417 which makes the machine a little more complex but I think that anyone that can build a model car can build it. My first test pieces were held together with duct tape and glue, it failed easily but gave me the information I needed.

This down-time has given me time to think and I have a few questions.

What do you call a machine that when released and allowed to move will not only perpetually move but it's power can be harnessed? To give you a better understanding of what I mean is that when it is forced to a stop and stopped it is providing 100% of it's torque and the faster is moves the the less the torque because of the centrifugal force. This machine is not electrical, chemical, or nuclear and does not use magnets or springs. Gravity is the only force that will make it work.

I have not found any information written by the U.S. government about what such a machine would mean to national security. The only way I can think of is that it could replace some of the energy needs that support war, such as the energy needs in the production steel. Is that information available and where?

Could an argument be made that such a machine should not be released in the intrest of national security? (example) If Wilbur and Orville Wright were to make that first flight today instead of December 17,1903 could the government surppress the aircraft under the guise that an aircraft could be used as a weapon even though that is not what it was created for?

How or should I, or we, go about the patent? I would not be happy if some big company were to patent the machine or it's concept and thereby make it illegal for others to produce the machine and it be suppressed from the public.

Ron Flory

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