Re: Physics rant - kinda long

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Posted by Georg Künstler ( on September 23, 2003 at 00:59:11:

In Reply to: Physics rant - kinda long posted by Ron Flory on September 22, 2003 at 23:03:06:

: Last night before I went to bed I was skimming thru one of my old physics books and could not believe what I was reading. The following is from the book "The Mainstream of Physics" written by Arthur Beiser and printed in 1963.

: "The first law of thermodynamics prohibits an engine from operating without a source of energy, but it does not tell us anything about the character of possible sources of energy. For instance, there is an immense amount of heat energy in the atmosphere and oceans, **yet we know that more work must be done to extract this energy than can be performed with its help**."

: It also goes on to say.

: "If we are to utilize the heat content of the atmosphere or the oceans,we must first provide a reservoir at a lower temperature than theirs in order to extract heat from them. **There is no reservoir in nature suitable for this purpose, for if their were, heat would flow into it until its temperature reached that of its surroundings**. To establish a low-temperature reservoir, we must employ a refrigerator, which is a heat engine running in reverse by using up energy to extract heat, and in so doing we will perform more work than we can successfully obtain from the heat of the atmosphere or oceans."

: Maybe the writer has corrected his thoughts, and before I say some thing bad (like what was this guy smokin), I have gone out and purchased 55 dollars worth of supplies to perform an experiment that will blow perfect holes in his statements.

: I know this does not have alot to do with Bessler, but I just hate it when stuff like this is being preached as facts.

: (**) = the stuff that I don't agree with.

: I'll post pics and any rough data. I should have it constucted in about an hour, and have some data in about 3 hours.

Hi Ron,
I had the same view of Physics as you have. We are living in the energy(we have heat and preasure),
and we have just to take it.
One solution I have found to extract energy is the downwind-tower.
Once the process is started, the wind in the tower is accellerated, because energy is taken away.
when we extract energy from the tower, the temperature of the air in the tower is always deeper. So as more as you extract, as faster the wind will fall down.
The tower 'Generates' it's own temperatures difference to act.
The downwind tower is combined with a thermoextraction-turbine.
The prototype you can see on my homepage. If you are interested in more details, send me a mail.

Best regards


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