Re: John Collins

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Posted by John Collins ( on June 11, 2003 at 12:31:45:

In Reply to: John Collins posted by David on June 11, 2003 at 12:21:07:

: John you wrote,

: Hi David,

: Sorry, I was being flippant about taking over a year. The building time is almost done and although to date this has only taken about four weeks, the parts I am using have been around and used on previous models for about three years. Obviously alterations sometimes have to be made but the various parts are good and can be re-used over and over.

: When I construct a model from a design I have made, I'm nearly always about 95% certain that it will work and it's the actual model that teaches me where I've gone wrong.

: Yes I was surprised myself that there were 40 moving parts, but I can say that I am constructing a wheel with four identical mechanisms to produce the sound of four weights landing on the side towards which the wheel will turn, so each mechanism has ten moving parts, which is not so much.

: JC

: May I ask you, will you tell us if it works, even if you caqn't disclose details? Also, the hitting on the side the wheel turns, is the "hitting" part of what makes the wheel turn? You know, the impact force? Also you say four, is this a reduction from the eight weights heard, or something else?

: Sincerely,

: david

Hi David,

Oh yes, I'll tell you if it works! No, in my version it is not the impact that drives the wheel, although I did once think that that was the way to go. I am using four because, as you may know, I believe that there were just four in the Kassel wheel driving it one way and four set up to drive it in the alternative direction. Since I only plan to drive it the one way I only need four mechanisms.


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